Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's a girl? How to cope when your baby isn't a boy

Some dads do get disappointed if their new born bundle of joy is a female. If you too are in such kind of dilemma, don't worry - all of your hopes and dreams aren't shattered. In fact, there are many reasons to be proud of having a girl instead of a boy.

Many dads as well as mom pray for a boy as dads want someone to teach their athletic wisdom to and mom’s wants someone to take care of them. Moreover, fathers are more overprotective of daughters - whereas sons are sometimes easier to guide when it comes to growing up and dating. Boys are more notorious, the sense of responsibility comes in a daughter at quite an early age.

Most of the times daughters speak openly with their dads which helps to improve father and daughter bonding. That’s why there is the phrase "daddy's girl."

As father, it’s important that to understand gender of the child doesn’t affect the way you raise the child. So sit back and relax knowing that your little princess will likely mature in ways that you've never imagined as long as you're there for her. Just don't spoil her too much!

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