Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mothers Day Poems and Poetry Collections

The poet can often sum up the words stuck deep in our hearts better than we can. If you need a poem for Mother's Day or another occasion, consider these classic and timeless poems:

To My Mother

You too, my mother, read my rhymes
For love of unforgotten times,
And you may chance to hear once more
The little feet along the floor.
- By Robert Louis Stevenson

Women know

The way to rear up children (to be just),
They know a simple, merry, tender knackOf tying sashes, fitting baby shoes,
And stringing pretty words that make no sense,
And kissing full sense into empty words.
- By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

No painter's brush, nor poet's pen,
In justice to her fame,
Has ever reached half high enough,
To write a mother's name.

Life is the fruit she longs to hand you,
Ripe on a plate.
And while you live,
Relentlessly she understands you.
- By Phyllis McGinley

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over.
- By George Cooper

Who fed me from her gentle breast,
And hushed me in her arms to rest,
And on my cheek sweet kisses prest?
My Mother.
- By Anne Taylor (excerpt from "My Mother")

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