Here are some famous, time-tested toasts which you could consider for the evening:
Joy, Joy (Scottish Christmas Toast)
May God shower joy upon us, my dear family.
Christmas brings us all good things.
God give us grace to see the New Year;
and if we do not increase in numbers
may we at all events not decrease.
On Happiness
Wishing you more happiness
Than all my words can tell,
Not just alone for Christmas
But for all the year as well.
On Peace and Prosperity
Peace and plenty for many a Christmas to come. (Irish Christmas Blessing )
May peace and plenty be the first
To lift the latch to your door,
And happiness be guided to your home
By the candle of Christmas.
For a long life
May you live as long as you Wish,
And have all you Wish or long as you live.
This is my Christmas Wish for You.
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